How to make California Poppy extract? - poppy extract
I have a few flowers were blooming in full of California poppies and wondered how the statement that the stores that sell food, for medical purposes?
How to make California Poppy extract? - poppy extract
I have a few flowers were blooming in full of California poppies and wondered how the statement that the stores that sell food, for medical purposes?
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Right Phillies, derived from seed.
Let your garden go to seed when the pods dry on tape boll of the plant start and let it finish drying in a dry place used to be disturbed. Working in brown, on a piece of paper and flatten with your fingers. Sort peel (dried seed head) and place it in a dark glass container (or keep them in the dark) and cover with vodka or rum for several weeks, the seeds of the filter and bottle bottles brown if you wish.
Voila - Tincture of California poppies
From what I've read is that the extract does not flower, but from seed.
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